Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Guidelines for Paper 2
Your third paper will be a comparison/contrast essay. Choosing two of the short films provided by the instructor, compare/contrast each of the author/storyteller’s methods for producing a well-structured narrative. Think of how your experience of viewing a story is different from writing a story (remember the personal narrative?) How are the techniques for a good story the same in every medium? How are they different? Things to consider: how the author/storyteller “shows” instead of “tells;” uses dialogue, description, setting, narrative voice, and progression of plot. Your paper should consist of a thesis statement as well as supporting ideas and evidence from the short films.  You should include textual examples from the works that you’ve chosen and cite all inclusions properly.  Any information that is not “common knowledge” must be cited as well. 

Example Thesis Statement: The film makers of “Validation” and “Signs” knew that their films would appeal more widely to female viewers than male because of their sentimentality and depiction of the hopeless romantic.

Audience:       A peer who is curious about human behavior
Length:           3-4 pages
Format:          Word processed, double spaced, standard font and margins, MLA format 
Sources:          At least 2 (the short films, reviews, etc.)

 First Draft Due: Friday February 10, 1 copy print, 1 copy e-mail, &
Final Draft Due: Friday, February 17, hard copy &

Some helpful hints-
Ø  Your paper should be academic in tone and should avoid use of “I” and “you.”  If you chose to use the word “we” then you need to specify who falls under that inclusive pronoun.
Ø  Remember that the more characteristics you cover, the less space in your paper you’ll have to cover these characteristics.  It is better to thoroughly cover each characteristic than to have superficial analyses.  At the same time, however, you do not want to repeat yourself in attempting to create in-depth arguments.
Ø  In many ways, this paper is a standard compare/contrast essay.  Format your paper according to one of the accepted formats for this type of essay.
Below are the short films on which you will base your essay. Choose two. 

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