Monday, February 13, 2012

READING HOMEWORK: Archetypal Patterns: Snow White

Please read the following article and write a short response to it in the "Comments" section below this post.

Snow White Archetypes


Things to consider while you read:

* How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
* In your opinion, what is an archetype?


  1. How does this article change how you read fairy-tales?

    This gives me a total different view on how to read fairy-tales. Now I can see the different symbols and meanings that each story has. I can relate them to the real world and with real life examples.

    Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    I honestly didn't really pay much attention to this matter. This was the first time that I read something like this. It was really interesting and I enjoyed it.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    An archetype is something that is used to communicate with everyone culture in the world. It's a pattern that everyone can understand and relate to.

  2. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales?
    -I didn't really pay attention to the details. Once I read this I was a bit shocked at the symbolism and meaning of the story. It makes you realize and pay more attention to these kinds of things and relate them to other stories or real life experiences.
    *Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
    -I heard about these patterns in stories, but never really researched Archetypes before. So this was my first article that I read concerning archetypes. It was interesting to me.
    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?
    -Its a pattern in life that mostly everyone can relate to.

  3. This article changed how I read fairy tales, because now instead of just enjoying it I try to figure out its message behind all the elaborate descriptions and fictional parts of the story.

    I have heard about archetypes and I knew that in each story there is an event or a character that is always presented in others, but I didn’t know there were deeper significances to them. For example, the significance of the number 7, symbolizes a sense of completion; the mother’s wish to have her daughter with skin as white as snow, symbolizes pureness.

    In my opinion an archetype is like mentioned “a universal” motif that shows human faults through situations or characters that are seen in under a certain aspect.

  4. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales?

    This article about the story of Snow White changes how I read fairy-tales. I realized that there are many hidden messages and there can be a lot more to a fairy-tale then just a prince and a princess falling in love.

    *Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    I did not know the definition of an archetype but once I heard the definition then I knew what it was. I knew that white signified purity but I was not aware of the meaning of the number "seven". According to this essay, the number seven, "symbolizes the dynamic perfection of a complete cycle." This was new information to me.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    In my opinion, an archetype is something that is known worldwide and also used worldwide. For example, everyone knows that, in general, good always prevails over evil and that light represents something or someone good while darkness represents evil or something or someone who is bad.

  5. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
    After reading this article, I found this story to be a more dark story than the one I remember watching as a child. It has also opened my eyes to look past the adventures of the story and look more into the details and symbols within it. I was not aware of any of the archetypal patterns.
    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?
    In my opinion, an archetype is a universal constant that can be played by anything from a person to a particular object, and everything in between. In a story it is usually played as a hero or villain.

  6. How does this article change how you read fairy-tales?

    I didn’t know how to read fairy-tales, but this article gave me a picture that how to read fairy-tales. They are some contrasts or similarities of meaning in the stories. We have to understand the point of view writer and think about them as the patterns.

    Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    I absolutely knew nothing about the archetypal patterns before reading this article. I have learned a lot thought this article.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    An archetype is universal. Everybody can understand and use it as a pattern in all over the world.

  7. Reading this article changed my view of reading fairy-tales because it shows you what to look for in a fairy-tale. The pattern that the author includes makes sense and is an eye- opener.
    I knew the archetype of good vs. evil that the step- mother portrayed in the fairy-tale. I didn't know the symbolism behind the seven dwarfs or the number seven.
    An archetype is a pattern of events that happen in a story that lead up to your opinion about the story. There are symbols that help distinguish the types of archetypes.

  8. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales?

    After reading this story, I see fairy tales are not so happy and fun. This article brought out the hidden darkness behind snow white. Also I was surprised about what the symbols meant in the story which was interesting.

    *Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    I never even knew archetypal patterns existed until now. This is my first archetypal reading a story with archetypal patterns, but i enjoyed it a lot. Im tired of jolly stories with love and happiness, stories like this is more interesting and mind twisting.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    In my opinion an archetype is a common or well known symbol or pattern that represents something like good or evil.

  9. This article didnt change how I viewed fairytales because I took a film class and I learned a lot about archtypes and other things. We actually studied disney movies for a short period of time including Snow White. The only thing that is new to me is the ideas that the author of this essay brought up such as the color red and how snow white transitioned from adolescence into maturity. I mostly learned in my film class a particular stereotpye or how women are viewed. I found it interesting that they had Snow White do chores and everything as if it was a womans job. I learned other things in my film class but as far as Snow White that idea stood out the most. I really enjoyed this essay, I wish my vocabulary was much better because there were a few terms here and there that I didnt understand but other than that it was definitely an archtype.

  10. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales?

    Snow White definately changes how I read fairytales now. I realized that there is way more to the story than a princess eating a rotten apple or her and the prince faillng in love!

    *Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    I had no clue what a archetype was until it was brought upon me, but once I was introduced to it I am way more fond of them and when I see one I notice it immediately. One thing I noticed is that archetypes have a very significant meaning to them. For example, Snow White's mother wanted a daught as white as snow which symbolized a pure little girl! Also, the number 7 was a complete number, which is ordinary because 7 is a odd number so you would think the complete opposite.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    An archetpye is a universal pattern that anyone and everyone can relate to in my eyes.

  11. *How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    Growing up, fairy-tales had always been something that brought me a bit of happiness whenever my grandmother read them to me. I wasn't aware of the hidden symbols within the simple stories because I was limited to the thought of fairy-tales being created only to uplift a spirit that was down.However, as I got older I began to realize the "pattern" that every story had. I just never knew what the technical term for it was. I never liked the story of Snow White so I never thought too much about any of the details or any hidden meanings. So I was intrigued by what the article had to say about it.

    *In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    I think an archetype is general knowledge or information that is worded or situated in a way that the audience can have a better understanding of. However, I think sometimes archetypes are hard to notice at first because they have a hidden meaning and isn't easy to catch at first glance.

  12. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? After reading this article I now want to analyze every fairy tale that i have read in the past. Everyone has their own point of view on what they read.

    Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article? Yes I was aware of good vs. bad and some other obvious ones, but after reading this article i know kind of understand the concept.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype? In my opinion, an archetype is a symbol that could represent anything that the mind perceives that it could mean.

  13. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
    I had actually never really thought of fairy tales, this way. It's very interesting to see the underlying messages and symbols and how they express the story deeper than our first glance. I used to be in a Spanish Literature class that broke down many pieces of writing and found strong messages that were fun to analyze but I never thought that a fairy tale would have so many archetypes. I always thought of them, as a stories of good vs evil. I will definitely look for deeper insight when I see more Walt Disney films!
    * In your opinion, what is an archetype? An archetype is a typical pattern that reoccurs in stories or movies, that involves underlying messages of culture, symbols ect.

    Maria Cida

  14. Brian Lo

    * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    I never knew that a simple fairy-tales has so much ritual telling in it. The reader has brought out certain objects or ritual that I never noticed before.The author analyse the characters one by one and discuss the deep meaning of the special objects and symbols.The author brought out questions which make me think for a while. I was not aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    For me, I think it is an object, signs or person that everyone in the world is familiar and can relate to at any point.

  15. How does this article change how you read fairy-tales?
    It makes me look at things in a different perspective I have to pay more attention to the details and try to make them to relate to real life situations or other stories or events.

    Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
    I honestly was not aware of these types of archetypical patterns i may of heard of them but never really payed much attention to them.

    In your opinion, what is an archetype?
    An archetype is a pattern you can say we can find in a lot of stories but we don't really pay much attention to them since they are in all stories or movies we watch. They are normally things that we can see in much of our daily life.

  16. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    Interpretations of anything on a deeper level is always an interesting thing to see. Sometimes I wonder if such scrutiny over things are just ideas are pulled out of the dark and seem credible just because everything can somehow relate to another and SYMBOLISM. I can't say my view of fairy tails and how I analyze them is much different though, since it's fun to think like a retard when looking at everything around you. Archetypal patterns are everywhere, and it's something that we've learned observing those around us, so I believe we naturally understand archetypes whether we've put much thought into it or not.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    I believe an archetype is a type of classification of a character as if you were going to say "he's 'that' kind of person".

  17. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?

    I feel that this article did open my eyes in the way i read story's. i have read the story of snow white a hundred times but never saw it in the light that she presented in this reading. the only archetype that i was aware of before i started this reading was the mother daughter jealousy. now after reading this paper it has opened my eyes to the different meaning that are hidden in story's.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?

    in my opinion an archetype is a characteristic between two or more objects, be it a main character or a weapon etc... it is when you take two or more things and compare them for their similarities.

  18. Brianna Lazcano
    * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
    This article changes the way i view fairy tales because it makes me focus more on the details rather than in the story. it's interesting to be able to view the story in a different way rather than just a children's story. I think man vs evil and human vs human are involved in this.
    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?
    in my opinion an archetype is more like a symbol in a story that helps us define who is against who i the story

  19. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
    A. The message of this article made me realize that fairy tales are not just stories, but there are important and hidden meanings inside of them. There are symbols and secrets that are present in fairy tales. I always thought that Snow White was about a Prince Charming who comes to save the day, but obviously this article tells me something different.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?
    A. Personally I think an archetype is a symbol that is present in almost every movie or story. It can be what all movies and stories have in common with. Examples like most movies have a her o or a heroine. It is a symbol that can be identified in any films or books.

  20. * How does this article change how you read fairy-tales? Were you aware of any of these archetypal patterns before reading this article?
    This article confirmed my beliefs that with any story, whether fiction or non fictional, there are subliminal messages in every specific detail. Authors create their messages inconspicuously by sugar coating the story with active symbols such as colors or objects to allow the readers to define the story in his/her own way. Philosophically speaking, any story can be interpreted in various shades of views.

    * In your opinion, what is an archetype?
    An archetype in definition is a symbol of hope for the savior of humanity. Archetypes are constantly exemplified in Hollywood as the heroes/heroines of a world where there is a constant battle between good versus evil. Aside from the big screen glam of heroes we, the audience, can see in movies, archetypes can also be everyday heroes that help contribute to society by making a difference.

    -William Chen
